24 September 2020
High income earners will be the only ones betting from income tax cuts

High income earners will be the only ones betting from income tax cuts

In its efforts to boost the economy, the Federal Government is considering bringing the planned income tax cuts forward. The intention behind these cuts is to […]
23 September 2020
Handling deductions for self education expense

Handling deductions for self-education expense

Individuals upskilling and educating themselves during these down times may be eligible to claim a deduction for their self-education expenses. The deductions apply to self-education activities […]
10 September 2020
Division A and private loans

Division 7A and private loans

It is not uncommon for businesses to provide loans to shareholders or associates of a company. However, business owners should know the conditions that their loan […]
3 September 2020
FBT exemption for businesses with emergency assistance

FBT exemption for businesses with emergency assistance

Businesses that provide benefits to employees during an emergency situation are likely to have assistance costs be exempt from fringe benefits tax (FBT). It is worthwhile […]
28 August 2020
Extending relief with JobKeeper changes

Extending relief with JobKeeper 2.1 changes

The Government has introduced additional changes to JobKeeper to help more businesses qualify for the relief payments. One of the key changes was moving the relevant […]
20 August 2020
CGT rollover when transferring assets in a relationship breakdown

CGT rollover when transferring assets in a relationship breakdown

Transferring the ownership of assets from one party to another may attract CGT. However, in the event that a change in ownership occurs due to the […]
13 August 2020
Should you lodge a TPAR for your business

Should you lodge a TPAR for your business?

The Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) is an industry-specific report through which businesses inform the ATO of the total payments made to contractors for services in […]
6 August 2020
Applying for small business entity income tax concessions

Applying for small business entity income tax concessions

Businesses looking to save on tax for the financial year may consider applying for income tax concessions. Businesses classified as a small business entity are eligible […]