20 August 2020
Adapting workspaces to protect employees
Adapting workspaces to protect employees
As employees return to office spaces, there is a growing concern as to how employees can protect themselves at work. It is crucial that employers carefully […]
20 August 2020
What to consider when making a business contingency plan
What to consider when making a business contingency plan
When business is going well, it can be easy to procrastinate planning for the bad times. However, preparing for disaster before it strikes by having a […]
20 August 2020
Appointing an SMSF auditor
Appointing an SMSF auditor
Self-managed super fund (SMSF) trustees are required to appoint an ATO-approved SMSF auditor no later than 45 days before lodging their SMSF annual return. An SMSF […]
20 August 2020
CGT rollover when transferring assets in a relationship breakdown
CGT rollover when transferring assets in a relationship breakdown
Transferring the ownership of assets from one party to another may attract CGT. However, in the event that a change in ownership occurs due to the […]
13 August 2020
Developing a sales strategy plan
Developing a sales strategy plan
A successful sales strategy plan will provide your business with clear priorities, goals, and outcomes that can help you increase sales. Outline your mission and goalsWhat’s […]
13 August 2020
Tips to making your website accessible
Tips to making your website accessible
The key goal for all business websites is to attract as many visitors as possible. However, not many business owners remember to cater their website to […]