10 September 2020
Division A and private loans
Division 7A and private loans
It is not uncommon for businesses to provide loans to shareholders or associates of a company. However, business owners should know the conditions that their loan […]
3 September 2020
FBT exemption for businesses with emergency assistance
FBT exemption for businesses with emergency assistance
Businesses that provide benefits to employees during an emergency situation are likely to have assistance costs be exempt from fringe benefits tax (FBT). It is worthwhile […]
3 September 2020
Why excess super contributions can be expensive
Why excess super contributions can be expensive
A great way to grow your retirement savings is by making regular contributions to your super fund. However, there are limits to extra contributions which when […]
3 September 2020
Tips to reduce churn for your business
Tips to reduce churn for your business
Acquiring new customers can often be simpler than retaining existing customers. However, loyal customers give your business a higher chance of succeeding. Unhappy customers stop doing […]
3 September 2020
Managing work based anxiety
Managing work-based anxiety
Studies have shown that while only 9% of individuals have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, 40% experience ongoing stress or anxiety in their daily lives. For many, […]
3 September 2020
Improving cyber security for your business
Improving cyber security for your business
COVID has prompted businesses to go digital, making cyberattacks an easy job for scammers. Small businesses are especially at risk because of the lack of resources […]