23 September 2020
Handling deductions for self education expense
Handling deductions for self-education expense
Individuals upskilling and educating themselves during these down times may be eligible to claim a deduction for their self-education expenses. The deductions apply to self-education activities […]
23 September 2020
Splitting your SMSF assets during divorce
Splitting your SMSF assets during divorce
Running an SMSF under regular circumstances comes with enough compliance obligations as it is. Adding divorce or separation into the equation can raise even more legal […]
23 September 2020
Flexible workplace arrangements might be the way to go for businesses
Flexible workplace arrangements might be the way to go for businesses
Businesses working from home due to social distancing restrictions can take the opportunity to learn from the experience and consider new work structures coming out of […]
10 September 2020
Avoiding SMSF disputes
Avoiding SMSF disputes
One of the benefits of SMSFs is the amount of control you have from managing it yourself. However, self-management can leave room for disputes among related […]
10 September 2020
The critical steps to a successful partnership
The critical steps to a successful partnership
It is a tall order to ask for a business owner to manage everything alone, much less lead their business into success. This is why many […]
10 September 2020
Readapting to working from the office
Readapting to working from the office
As businesses are looking to bring their employees back into work, it is important to ensure that your workstyle practices allow you to seamlessly integrate into […]