15 February 2021
Situations where asking your coworkers for help is okay
Situations where asking your coworkers for help is okay
People often perceive asking for help as a weakness, but sometimes, asking for help demonstrates strength. It shows self-awareness and a willingness to learn and grow. […]
15 February 2021
Benefits Australian businesses should consider providing employees
Benefits Australian businesses should consider providing employees
An Australia-wide survey asked employees what benefits they would most want from their employers. The following are the top 10 benefits: Flexible working Discounts on electricity, […]
15 February 2021
Review your supers investment options
Review your super’s investment options
Many Australians ignore the decision of choosing investments for their super and often end up in the ‘default’ option as they make no effort to choose […]
15 February 2021
3 amounts not classified as income
Amounts which are not classified as income are split into 3 categories. Exempt income This is income that you do not pay tax on, although, some […]
4 February 2021
Tax treatment of insurance payments for damaged property
Tax treatment of insurance payments for damaged property
The Australian weather can be unpredictable, resulting in intense weather conditions. Bushfires, severe storms or floods can cause personal properties and assets a lot of damage. […]
4 February 2021
What are the main types of partnerships
What are the main types of partnerships?
There are three types of partnerships. The partnership type you choose will depend on what best suits the partners involved. General Partnership (GP) All partners involved […]