8 June 2021
Invested In Cryptocurrencies So Is The ATO – But Not For The Reason You Think
Invested In Cryptocurrencies? So Is The ATO – But Not For The Reason You Think
Cryptocurrency investments are on the ATO’s radar this tax return season, with 100,000 taxpayers to be alerted by the ATO of their tax obligations from their […]
7 June 2021
Getting a Double Deduction for your Super Contributions
Getting a Double Deduction for your Super Contributions?
Each year you are entitled to a tax deduction for a certain amount of superannuation contributions. The tax deduction is available to your employer if they […]
3 June 2021
Downsizer Contributions – What Are They
Downsizer Contributions – What Are They?
If you are aged 65 years or older, you are currently able to make downsizer contributions of up to $300,000 into your superannuation fund from the […]
2 June 2021
Electronic Deeds – Are They Valid
Electronic Deeds – Are They Valid?
Legally speaking, the purpose of a deed is to transfer a title (a legal document proving ownership of a property or asset) to another person. If […]
1 June 2021
Taking Advantage of Free Marketing With Blogging
Taking Advantage of Free Marketing With Blogging
To gain a foothold in the online community, it is becoming more and more important that small businesses take advantage of and develop a web presence […]
31 May 2021
Dont CopyPaste Your Tax Return From Last Year
Don’t Copy/Paste Your Tax Return From Last Year
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, how Australians claim work-related expenses on their tax returns every other year is sure to be different this year. The […]